One of the blessings of being out of Denmark is avoiding the snow and long dark days of winter. Snow is pretty when it first settles upon open fields, and it is cosy sitting inside with hot tea in front of a crackling fire, but more often than not snow involves chills, bicycle accidents, a cold, and limited outdoor activity.
Hong Kong, having a sub-tropical climate, also experiences its winter months between December and February, but unlike Denmark these months a cool and pleasant; a relief from the hot, humid summer months. January is the driest month, with rain only falling on 6 out of 31 days on average, so all in all it is superb weather.
So far it has rained properly once while I have been in Hong Kong - today. The 20-degree temperatures and high humidity reminded me of Africa. The campus bus system means one spends relatively short periods of time outdoors (some 200-300 meters at a time), but it is enough to get you wet. And when one gets used to it not raining, but instead being pleasantly warm, it just becomes an increased nuisance.
The rain made for a perfect excuse to stay indoors and study for most of the day, even though it wasn't too heavy. The really rainy days will come with the monsoon season, with 80% of annual precipitation falling between May and September - August alone receives rain four out of every 7 days on average. But by then I will (thankfully) be heading towards North Carolinian autumn.
Looking forward to getting out of the cold and the snow, and I can manage any degree of humidity... Can't wait until Saturday.